Critical Infrastructure and ActiveEnergy The operators of these critical infrastructures, regardless of whether they are privately or publicly organized, provide services that are essential for supplying us with stability. These organizations, like the critical communication infrastructure, in turn, need basics like fuel, electricity, and water to function properly. This is where ActiveEnergy comes in.Our
ActiveEnergy solution offers clarity on energy and CO2 consumption, as well as unlocking 13% energy and CO2 savings. The installations we performed, took place in the critical communication infrastructure where electrical energy consumption is high, as these systems run 24/7.During our mission, ActiveEnergy completed four installations of the MobileHub, our measuring kit, in the critical communication infrastructure. And while one installation was close to where we stayed, to be able to perform the rest of them, we had to do a lot of driving. A wonderful circumstance that enabled us to see diverse landscapes, going up hills with wonderful views, and see cathedrals and castles from afar. We did two installations per day and all of them turned out to be beautifully smooth.
MobileHub InstallationsWhile the installations went super well, on the second day we had to get up at 5:30. And let me tell you, that’s not everyone’s best time of the day. But as different people need different amounts of sleep and luckily some of us basically do not need any, we got everything done. Even though we were in a different country than Germany, still being in Europe, the four installations of our MobileHubs were almost the same as back home. The electrical cabinets are no different, and our team is well trained to operate in several countries without any difficulties.
What is a MobileHub?With our MobileHubs, we can temporally track the energy consumption of buildings or locations. MobileHubs were specially developed in-house to do exactly this, and they are installed for a short amount of time only. The measurement of energy consumption is usually trackable with permanently installed measuring devices. This also happens when we implement our full ActiveEnergy solution. But for a first measurement of the energy consumption, ActiveEnergy needed and developed a temporary measuring kit – the MobileHub. Following, the results of those measurements can be utilized to calculate the possible CO2 and energy savings of ActiveEnergy. We install the MobileHub for 2-4 weeks and as a result, get data on the entire energy consumption of a location. This way we have detailed information on:
The energy consumption
The power quality
Consumption peaks
CO2 emissions
In the next step, EnergyLabs calculates the energy and CO2 saving potential, based on the energy consumption data of the locations.
Energy Consumption in the Communication InfrastructureSo why is it important to see how much energy is consumed in the critical communication infrastructure? In some places, they might have the newest and most energy-saving technology in use. But necessary locations, like antennas, run 24/7. And thus, the energy consumption is high. To know the details of energy consumption and emitted CO2 gives clarity. This allows improvement in managing the locations better and improving the product or service for the customer. But most importantly it gives our partners the exact knowledge about their carbon footprint. They can communicate their decarbonization efforts and exact savings.
While most of us nowadays agree that it is everybody’s responsibility to do as much as one can for the climate and reduce personal CO2 emissions this also counts for companies. To first know all about the energy consumption and emitted CO2, secondly gives the opportunity to implement saving solutions like ActiveEnergy which uses
voltage optimization.
EnergyLabs is very happy to offer clarity in this special case in the critical communication infrastructure and to be considered in the CO2 and energy-saving process. After all, our mission is to turn
all buildings into active protectors of the environment.