ActiveEnergys' blog about energy and more. präsentiert wieder einmal einige junge Startups, die zuletzt, also in den vergangenen Wochen und Monaten an den Start gegangen sind, sowie Firmen, die zuletzt aus dem Stealth-Mode erwacht sind.
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In #brandneu präsentiert ds – deutsche startups regelmäßig neue und junge Startups. Auch hier sind wieder einige Startups, die jeder kennen sollte. Wir stellen diese Startups vor: wayvs, EnergyLabs, infavher, Unco und Tasktrails.
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Im Startup-Radar-Podcast, dem Pitch-Podcast von ds – deutsche startups, stellen in jeder Ausgabe fünf Gründer:innen ihre Ideen vor. Die Gründer:innen haben jeweils 180 Sekunden Zeit, ihr Startup vorzustellen. Auf die virtuelle Pitch-Bühne treten diesmal Klinikheld, Confdnt, EnergyLabs, und banbutsu.Hannah präsentiert EnergyLabs ab Minute 8.
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Over the last decades heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems became significantly more energy efficient. This is immensely important as they are one of the largest energy-consuming loads in commercial and residential buildings. Smooth performance of the systems requires careful installation, thorough cleaning, and regular maintenance.
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The ActiveEnergy portfolio of solutions depends on secure and stable data transmission. Thus, EnergyLabs has put a lot of thought into the ActiveEnergy (AE) Cloud and continuously optimizes it. Following, we will focus on the AE Cloud, the main benefits for our customers and the technical functionality.
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Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a popular way for investors to evaluate companies, projects, or real estate they consider investing in. ActiveEnergy is the first step on the decarbonization journey of buildings and supports the environmental criterion of ESG.
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EnergyLabs travelled for some interesting installations. The installations of our MobileHubs took place within the critical communication infrastructure in Europe.
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